We have problems. This is the most often heard statement when I deal with clients. This statement is then typically followed by a long tirade, this and that thing is not ok, so and so person is a nuisance etc. After listening for quite a while I find that most people still can't define the problem. They do however have a list of frustrations and complaints but not a problem. What then, can we call a problem? A problem is something that is stopping you from getting from point 'A' to point 'B'. (Points ‘A’ & ‘B’ could be anything. Maybe physical, financial or other targets, situations, a geographical location etc.) This presupposes that; You know where you are You know where you want to get to You have an idea what is blocking you from getting there or what is obstructing you. If you do not know where you are at this present time, nor where you want to go and what is obstructing you, then you certainly do not have a problem. Most people and organisations are purel...
Knowledge with wisdom, positive attitude, and good management skill can unravel any enigma.