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Sidestepping main stream media.

For 800 years before Indian independence in 1947 it were invaders and foreigners that mostly dictated the national and regional narrative of India. After independence India has almost always been run by the Nehru-Gandhi family with its vice like grip and control of the Indian National Congress party. For this they relied on the their associates within the government, in business and the mass media . The Congress party has in turn often depended heavily on the support of the [ Communists . Unlike the Congress, the Communists, are driven less by money and more by ideology. They always use Ideological Subversion to achieve their goals.  Dictated by their foreign masters they worked against Independence and they still work tirelessly for the breakup of India , with their dream to rebuild its components into their view of an Utopian Socialist world order . A dream that has not been realised anywhere in history till date. To this end, the Communists have masterfully infiltrat

Capitalism or Socialism, exploitation is certain.

The inherent vice of Capitalism is the unequal sharing of BENEFITS. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of MISERIES. The terms Capitalism , Communism and Socialism are used frequently by the elites and the media. Yet the average person has only a vague idea what exactly they mean. Majority of Capital (assets that can be used to enhance economic power) was, is, and will always be controlled by a small minority of people in every society.  Called Capitalists this group always decide  how the country and economy will run.  Capitalists belong to no country, society, religion or ism. At heart they all have only one God called 'Wealth and Power' and one religion called 'Profit and Privilege'. For the sake of enhancing their power and wealth capitalists indulge in anything and everything if they can get away with it nothing is taboo. Unrestrained capitalism has led to wars, invasions, holoca usts slavery, colonisation etc. They j

The Upward Delegation Trap

Work never ends, especially if you are looking for it. There is always something new to be planned, and executed, or something that needs to be attended to. Such people who are obsessed with work are known as workaholics. If one is focussed, result oriented and fortunate, success is bound to come. The danger is workaholics become magnets for more work and challenges, especially if one commands  necessary resources and authority. The danger for workaholics is that they grown distant from family, friends, and even they themselves. When one is young, one possesses boundless energy and enthusiasm and one can cope with this pleasing burden. However with passage, of time one can easily get overwhelmed, as I was. To cope, workaholics recruit more people into the team. Instead of productivity and output improving, it actually decreases. This is because new recruits learn quickly that 'upward delegation' can free them from much work and responsibility. This is not on