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Showing posts from March, 2020

Will Coronavirus COVID-19, kill me?

Readers asked an important question, what were the chances of survival, were someone  contracted COVID-19 Coronavirus. No one really knows, but here are some facts. The factors that lead to higher chances of fatality are Age, pre-existing health issues with Cancer, Cardio vascular disease, diabetes, place of residence and work, government policies and their ability to enforce them. **Age factor** [World Health Organisation]( (WHO) reported a global ‘snapshot’ death rate of 3.4 percent. China has the most experience and The [Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention]( reported an  age wise death rate of patients 80s  -  14.8% 70s  -     8% 60s  -   3.6% 50s  -    1.3% 49 and below 0.5% WHO reports for other countries are Italy     7% (the epicentre of the pandemic in Europe) Spain  3.1% CCDC study also shows the following fatality rates for people with these **pre-existing medical conditions**. 10.5%

Never underestimate the arrogance and stupidity of humans.

Viruses are a natural phenomenon and there are many viruses existing in nature. However when countries spend huge amounts of money to engineer viruses with the mala fide intent to attack life we have a big problem on our hands. America, China, Russia, France, UK and Israel have significant biological warfare weapons and they have enough stockpiles of these viruses to wipe out all human life a thousand times over.  SARS (2002) and MERS (2012) epidemics were viruses that escaped BSLs ( Bio Safety labs ) in China. How do the viruses escape a high security lab? Every country that designs a biological weapon also works on vaccines and treatment protocols to protect their own population. Unfortunately they have to make the biological weapon first and then can they begin development of a solution.  The solution requires conducting of trials on human volunteers or detainees, by deliberately infecting test subjects and detaining them in quarantine. Repeated trials and observat

The great economic coup by China from Coronavirus?

In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity. ~ Albert Einstein No system lasts for ever, particularly for empires. All empires and organisations by nature swing between two distinct styles of management and leadership. Centralised to decentralised and then back and forth every few decades. China moved from a highly centralised management approach to the Chinese economy to a highly decentralised one. The growth of China and its rise in prosperity has come from the private sector and hardly any from the government sector. This is because they gave up economic communism but retained political communism. With the spectacular rise in economic prosperity comes the attendant challenge for rulers, the hunger for political freedom by the people. This will always be unacceptable to the [ Communist Party of China (CPC) , leadership. By becoming the head of all key functions of the Chinese government, party and military, Premier Xi Jinping has now centralised more powe

India fights Coronavirus

People question the lockdown of the government in an effort to contain the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. Many people feel that it is, much ado about nothing. Is it? Here is some perspective.  500 million people (27% of total world population) were infected and an estimated 50 million people died because the 1918 influenza pandemic (Jan 1918 – December 1920; unfairly known as the Spanish flu ) involving H1N1 influenza virus.  It is estimated that the life expectancy of those who survived, was reduced by an average of 12 years.  The steps taken seem appropriate. -________________ What is not understood always induces fear.  Nowadays just a sneeze or a runny nose terrifies people. First of all, its helpful to know when to rule out COVID-19. Second, when times are tough every second person becomes an expert.  It is plain to see that the main stream media has done a much better job of educating the public than has been social media. While si

Beware of the Media

It is human nature for us to try and dominate other humans. The brute depends on physical force and it sufficed for them for thousands of years but the real domination came from overpowering the minds of the dominated and it is manifold more powerful. We believe with education and modernity the human mind will have grown more cultured and noble. On the contrary we have grown more cruel, selfish, crude (even though more  politically correct) and many of them have lost their soul and conscience.  Though this negativity is increasing, and is seen more prominent in certain professions and one of them is the news media. With each passing day their lack of neutrality and commitment to truth and high human ideals is prominent by its absence.  Recent reporting by many in the the media fraternity, serves to remind us of  their desperate desire to sow dissent and create divisions and conflict between people and communities. It is now time to awaken, and take action.  What a