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Showing posts from April, 2020

WHO helped China deliberately spread the CCP Virus

World Health Organisation leadership by acts of incompetence or commission helped China spread COVOD-19 Coronavirus now known as 'CCP Virus' to the world. The billion Yuan question is 'Why did China do what it did?' The conduct of China and WHO right from early Nov 2019 till date  has been very, very negative.  Even though 6 months have passed since the first cluster of cases were reported China has staunchly refused to cooperate with the world to cope with the pandemic.  China has been destroying evidence, eliminating people possessing knowledge of the crisis, expelling all foreign media and reporters, hiding vital information and data, refusing access to facilities, scientists etc.  This behaviour reinforces global opinion that China has been deliberately spread the virus with the assistance of   WHO . China's actions have already begun to deconstruct our world irreversibly. The future of each  individual, organisation and country has begun to be

Education without awakening is toxic

What we call education, in most institutions is actually only training. Training, does not require awakening. Even a wild beast can be trained.  After training, one just learns to perform as programmed. A mind trained is easy to drive. It exists to please the trainer, be it right or wrong, moral or immoral. Programming, can make one believe in absurdities, and those who believe in absurdities can commit great atrocities and crimes against not only humans but all of creation. We humans amongst all known creatures have the gift of consciousness and imagination.  We can review the past and imagine the future and the consequences of our thoughts and actions.  A mind merely trained, cannot comprehend the consequences of its thoughts and actions neither the past or of the future. An awakened mind can simultaneously both lead and be led. An awakened mind flourishes to always do what is right, respectful and beneficial to everyone and everything. Only when we awaken the consciou

Soft Power of Indian Civilisation

30 Quotes in Praise of India For 2000 years, the great civilisations of India and China had an excellent relationship. Between them they represented 52% of global GDP.  Because of its great spirituality, and ability to continuously acquire, store, apply and transmit  knowledge very effectively, India was the elder brother in the relationship. India was the world's  greatest exporter of technology, culture, science, art, literature in addition to being a provider of high quality goods. People came from all over the world to study at India's countless Gurukuls , ashrams , universities and institutions. In spite of this incredible power, India never tried to conquer any land, seize resources use force, or coerce in any manner.  It preferred to have partners rather than vassals.  In today's age and time this may be considered foolish and  naive. But this is the nature of a civilisation, to always seek a win-win, mutually beneficial long lasting respectful re

Difference between Empire and Civilisation

The Chinese want to be an empire and that too in a hurry. In their desperation they  have pushed the world to the brink.  There is only one empire at the present time and that is United States of America and it is under assault by the People's Republic of China who have openly declared to replace America as the world's leading superpower at all cost. With cunning and ruthlessness China was well on track.  It might have become a global empire within another 20 to 30 years. However in their desperation and over eagerness, China it seems has overplayed its hand on many fronts. Now, by triggering, concealing and manipulating a pandemic,  China has not only made its dream of empire untenable, it will probably destroy China. The world needs civilisations not empires.  Ancient China was a great civilisation but its adoption of Communism has all but destroyed its civilisational wealth. This raises a question, 'What exactly is the difference between empir

Never waste a good crisis.

Why, social distancing will most likely save your life?

With Coronavirus on the rampage and government ordered lockdown in place, many people are feeling disturbed. They  complain incessantly about the inconvenience. To them I would say, "Nothing can be more inconvenient than death". Here are some sobering facts about COVID-19 Coronavirus's trail of destruction that, at the time of writing this article. Here are the global figures, (India's figures in brackets) on the impact so far. Infections Number of Infections, currently stand at 1,014,493  (India 2,567) Numbers of infections are doubling every week.  If the disease remains unchecked and if there is widespread person to person contact, then theoretically speaking, at this rate barring those who exist in isolation the entire world's population will be infected within 14 weeks. Many people will be slightly or even completely unaware that they have been infected. They will at worst, experience some mild discomfort and go on with their normal live