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Showing posts from July, 2020

To succeed, create your own narrative

Put two creatures together and there will begin a conflict between them for dominance. We humans also possess this desire to dominate all others of our species. Some use brute force, some, use wealth. Some use knowledge but the most cunning use perception.  The blending of information from our 5 senses with our learning, memory, expectation, and attention, provides us our view of the world. Irrespective of the truth, what the mind perceives becomes our individual reality. Control of perception is key to controlling and dominating others. A mighty and magnificent elephant is tamed by being made to perceive that its inferior to the human.  Perception in humans is always created by means of a narrative. A narrative is a sensory stimulus usually a spoken, written, visual account of connected events, which become a story. Stories generate emotions and scientists have discovered that memory works best when information is blended with emotions. And our emotions are born out of our sensory e

Are they goals or are they fantasies?

Everyone who attempts to do anything, wishes to be successful.  Success can come accidentally but rarely so. If we desire to be successful by design and not by fluke then objective /goal setting is a must. It is essential not only for individuals and organisations but also economies and countries.  In the absence of objectives one runs the risk of running aimlessly. Pursuing activity without direction and pace, it is to waste resources and opportunity and even failure and collapse.  If one wants to succeed in any venture, then objectives are essential. We may define them formally or subconsciously. It's better to write them down so that one is clear and able to share them with other team members.    Objectives should have these 4 characteristics. They must be, Specific Time bound Measurable  Challenging Specific , because objectives must be clear, providing no scope for of misunderstanding to anyone. Time bound , because if there is no time limit, the objec

The eighth wonder is, swallowing the world.

There is so much beauty, and wonder in the universe, but it seems, we spend most of our lives, wondering, 'What is wrong with the world?' Nothing and yet everything. Nothing is wrong with Nature and Creation, its exquisite and unfathomable. So what we do not understand, we condemn. Humankind, now that is a completely different matter, for here, everything seems to be wrong. Which leads us to the question, 'What is the root cause of all that is wrong?' The 'will to power', the desperate and insatiable desire to dominate all that we humans set our eyes on or even conceive, is the root cause of human suffering. With time the methods and approach to acquiring power and dominating has changed and  grown more sophisticated. However two fundamental approaches remain unchanged, wealth and force. Both are transient, and temporary, but that has never stopped the human animal from relying on them. Unfortunately other great human qualities of friendship, compa

Why, Tibet must be liberated, now.

The Indo Gangetic Plain is one the most  fertile land in the world, thanks to the rivers that flow down from the Himalayas and the Tibet Plateau . This is why this region evolved naturally to have the highest population densities in the world. Now imagine this all turning to desert. A political party, China's Communist Party of China   (CCP) with plans to weaponise these waters by depriving much of the natural waters to the Indo Gangetic Plain has already reached an advanced stage of doing that. Water stress and wide spread devastation is certain and lives of 3 billion of South Asia and South East Asia has already started becoming imperilled. This is not science fiction, this is a reality. , The CCP  has always affirmed its intent to exploit Tibet and to use the waters of the Tibetan Plateau for its own benefits while holding Asia to ransom. In pursuit of this objective, China annexed Tibet in 1950 and completely occupied Tibet by 1959. To implement their plans the 

Taming the Dragon.

From its very origins the  Communist party of China  (CCP) has always  proudly claimed its an expansionist entity. It occupied Tibet in 1950 and seized 38,000 sq. kms of India in 1962. The CCP invaded Vietnam in 1979 and has constantly been constantly been snatching territory from all its neighbours all the time. However the CCP 's rule of China has mostly been a humanitarian, civilisational, social, cultural, and economical disaster, causing more than 80 million deaths.   As per the World Bank, in 1960, China was poorer than most African countries. Only after America opened her arms, wallet, technology and markets to embrace China in 1979 during the visionary leadership of Deng Xiaoping of the PRC (1978 -1989) did China begin to turn the corner.  China's economic rise began when it abandoned much of 'Economic Communism', adopting free market economics  to unleash the power of its human capital. (The PRC remains a totalitarian state retaining '