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Thinking is not optional

   As a species we have come to dominate all other species simply because of the size and power of the human brain.  Our dominating power comes not from the absolute but from the relative size of our brains, which are comparatively 7 times greater as compared to the body size of all other creatures. Through evolution, nature has facilitated the disproportionate growth of the human brain to help us survive, thrive, and dominate. This permits us to process vast amounts of data not only in quantity but also in speed and complexity and giving us very high cognitive capabilities. Like any complicated device the human brain works best and its capabilities enhanced when it is used more quantitatively  and qualitatively. However if rarely used or not used appropriately the brain begins to decay and loses its power. Just doing a lot of repetitive activities in routine, without thinking, imagination or use of the mind, dulls and shrinks the brain. The same thing happens when we consume intoxican

Opinion, Fact, Perspective and Truth


If you want great results, then ...

In all societies, animal or human, communication is so vital, that without it, the society would simply collapse.  We may not realise it but all communication is actually designed to get others to do something.  Why then is it that so much teaching and messaging never gets through and we fail to see any action? Erroneously most people believe that a broadcast is communication. A broadcast is simply the emission or sending a message, whereas communication is a two step process, wherein the broadcast is received and accepted by the recipient.  A broadcast rarely leads to action, whereas a communication has the great possibility to stir emotions and hence lead to action. It is important to remember that,  Thoughts emanate in the mind. If you want thoughts to be enhanced then tickle the mind. Actions emanate from the body and are driven by emotion. If you want action then stimulate the emotion. This is why politics, religion, etc. have so much power. They work on the emotion rather than in

What do we know about the COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine?

  A number of vaccines are now out to provide immunity from the dreaded Coronavirus. The most popular are the Indian 'Covaxin' and 'Covidshield', Russia's 'Gamaleya',  American BioNTech (Pfizer) and another from Moderna. Since data on Chinese vaccines is opaque and the great controversy surrounding them they have not been considered. Considering that a brand new vaccine created for a brand new disease rushed in and out of production, It is but natural that with so much negative press, and 'expert' opinions being broadcast to us all.  India is a vaccine powerhouse with 6 manufacturers producing 60% of all global requirement. While the Indian and Russian ones use viral vector technology, the two vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna are "Messenger RNA" (mRNA) vaccines. Messenger RNA vaccines are new and revolutionary compared to traditional methods of vaccination. Here are 5 key points to know. What are antibodies and antigens? How do trad

Management by Processes. A key to Success

  The so called 'secrets of success' are no secrets at all. They are actually keys consisting of  attitudes, skills, knowledge and discipline. One of the keys to success in any and every field is managing processes. What is a process? A process could be defined as a series of actions directed to some end. We may not realise it but everything we humans do is a process. In fact, every human initiated activity whether by design or default is a process. Life becomes easy when we have stable processes and habits. For example if I keep my car keys in a designated place at home, and check the fuel level before I leave home is part of a process of getting to work.  Insignificant as it may seem, ask someone who had to hunt frantically for their 'mis-placed' keys when leaving home or running out of fuel just as they are rushing out for work or some  important assignment. On an average 65% of our usable time is wasted, because of having to cope with improper planning, communicatio