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Showing posts from February, 2022

Fundamental questions to answer to achieve goals.

We humans are constantly chasing something or the other, endeavouring to achieve goals. It is just our nature. Yet many, fail most of the time, in the bargain paying a huge price in resources, time and well being. Success is achieving what one set out to achieve, and therein lies the problem. We are in such a hurry to achieve success that most of us are unclear about what exactly we are pursuing. While our self confidence may be high, our goals are usually fuzzy. To achieve success one has to consider the endeavour as a journey. And like all journeys, we need to know the starting point and the destination. We need to know how we will make that journey, the route to achieving the objectives. Finally we need to know what we will need in terms of equipment, resources, skills, knowledge, networks etc. and how we will get them. Too eager for action, supremely confident of ourselves most individuals and organisations not only fail to plan they rarely address the fundamental questions. Where

The original sinister motive for imposing lockdowns

  The age old phrase, 'Divide and Rule', it is actually a counter to 'Unite and Revolt'. A study of history shows that in order to people to revolt, there needs to be a sharing of information about injustice or perceived atrocities, followed by discussions and debates to flare up of tempers, physical assembly of larger groups to mobilise and march against the institutions of power that the people oppose. Finally to bring down the regime. That is why all revolutions take birth when there is little or no control on freedom of assembly, speech and movement, of individuals and groups. Any place where crowds routinely converge and actively interact with each other usually under a central figure or group lends itself to be mobilised into action within a very very short time. Towns and cities, are where revolutions take birth, especially in places of education, or in work places where many people gather in routine, and are familiar with one another. In work places such as fac