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Showing posts from March, 2022

Suicide by Sanctions and other means

  After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and its divorce from its East European allies, Russia believing itself European, tried its hardest to integrate itself with Europe and America. The West purchased many, key Russian technologies, assets and industries in the distressed Russian economy at a huge discount, and positioned themselves to at will exert a vice-like grip on Russia's financial, technological, communications, media etc. sectors. An arrogant America and Europe, the winners of the Cold War, had no place on the high table for Russia. American leader Senator John McCain disparagingly voiced the common thinking of America, that "Russia is a gas station, disguised as a nation" . Americans and Europeans viewed Russia as an old, beleaguered empire to be merely exploited and milked for its wealth. Boris Yeltsin after the fall of the USSR, much like his Soviet predecessor Gorbachov was a weak and mostly helpless president, thus a putty in the hands of the west

If you thought that Nazis were finished off after World War II, think again.

  The history of Europe is a history of relentless brutal, bloody and destructive series of conflicts. One of the most alluring target of conquest by big nations was Russia and her surrounding areas, such as Ukraine. Each power used a logic mostly perverted by their beliefs and ideologies to try and dominate, Russia. Every aggressive power needs an ideology to justify its behaviour and carry out its designs with the support of their population, financiers, glory and power seekers. Napoleon was not the first and Hitler was not the last to covet the incredible riches of Russia. Like them, now the deep state of the countries in the Western world and America simply want to plunder Russia. Not all the driving quests for conquest of Russia was economic. There are also religious, political and ideological forces at play. The Catholic Church has always wanted the Orthodox Russian Church to be disbanded if not destroyed. They played their part in the support of powers that would transform if ev

Using Sanctions, America shoots Europe.

 For past 30 years we have been living in a unipolar world with America being the world's sole superpower which formulates, decides and acts the  way the world should function.  And America intends to keep it that way.  Hegemonies cannot tolerate even the smallest possible challenge to their dominance. So they are always in a state of undeclared war against threats, both real and perceived. They have to constantly weaken potential challengers and even allies have to be brought to heel. Everyone knows that Chinese power seems to be on the ascendant, but one of the biggest potential challengers to American hegemony is the combined power of Russia and Germany. America has watched with dismay and fear as Europe led by Germany has been cozying up to the Russians. German capital and technology combined with Russia's vast resources of oil and gas, raw materials, and fertile land make it a natural marriage almost heavenly.  Europe does not grow enough food to feed itself, does not prod

How to make men go to war?


Three simultaneous wars. Russia versus team Ukraine-EU-America

People and nations disagree all the time. Sometimes disagreements lead to quarrels but what would one do if repeatedly poked in the eye? At first protest, then warn, then try to stop the belligerent in as civilised a manner as possible and when all fails, one would try to stop the offender by force. That is the war that is taking place right now between Russia and Ukraine. The aggressors behind the scenes are America and Western Europe, the stick is Ukraine and the victim is Russia. From 1985 (when Gorbachov came into power in the Soviet Union) until 2008 when NATO led by USA announced at the Bucharest summit that Ukraine & Georgia would be joining NATO, the West cannot name a single action that Russia has undertaken to threaten the West. This begs the question, 'Then why does NATO want to bring missiles and offensive weapons right up to Russia's doorstep?' War is never good, but a war to counter an existential threat is a justified war. No war can be without casualties