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Showing posts from July, 2022

Is the 'problem', my problem?

Is the 'problem', my problem?

 "I have a problem", that is how many people often approach colleagues and bosses. We humans are fascinated by the problems of others because our basic instincts to both protect ourselves and see if we can benefit from 'the problem'. So we inevitably ask 'What is the problem?' Socially and politically asking more about the problem may not be a bad thing, but for a boss or colleague it can be very bad. Let me explain. 'What is the problem?' is an open ended question. As a result the pace, content, length and duration of the conversation is decided by the complainer, i.e. the person with the perceived 'problem'. If unchecked the complainer will rarely be brief. He or she will come to the point only after a lot of moaning and groaning, consuming a rather significant amount of the listeners patience, energy and time.  This is exactly what the complainer seeks to achieve by their droning on. To get us to accept, that there is a problem and since we


  Lèse-majesté is a French term 'to do wrong to majesty'. It is a millennia old concept that one cannot offend the sovereign of a state. Even in democracies many elected officials unleash the harshest of reactions should they or their ideas be questioned, let alone criticised. Over a four hundred year period (1500 - 1920) Europe though sheer ruthlessness, deceit, cunning, and industry had colonised large parts controlling at its peak 84% of the world to became rulers of the world. The tragedy is after two world wars and loss of their colonies and reduced to 18% of the world, they still consider themselves as the rulers of the entire world except allies like Japan, Australia, Canada etc. Rulers consider themselves above the principles, laws and practices they themselves espouse for others to follow. They do pretty much what they want and their own populace and others across the world must meekly submit. After world war II America became the emperor and Europe became kingdoms