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Showing posts from October, 2022

Self destructive big lies

  Whether we like it or not every few decades Human stupidity and forces of nature work to change our political, economical, social, etc. landscape dramatically and forever. We are currently living in one such fascinating and yet frightening time. The rise of a new world order at the expense of the old powers namely Europe and America and the so called self promulgated 'rules based world order'. They say power corrupts, actually power cannot corrupt good people, power attracts corrupt people. They then use that power to propagate their misery and corruption. Unfortunately most of European and American leaders fall in the category of corrupt leaders spawning a corrupt system that instead of serving to provide checks and balances, is itself actively promoting corruption and protecting the corrupt. None, including law enforcement, audit, investigation, legislature, administrators, academics, etc. not even the media have escaped being afflicted by this dangerous disease. Sure coun

Till the last Ukrainian

  We live in a world where there is a group of wealthy and powerful countries loosely called the 'Collective West'. They include America, Canada and Europe. Together they have 11% of the world's population and 35% of its GDP. The 'Collective West' has between themselves constructed over a period of time a system of rules known as 'rules based world order', unduly favouring themselves and at the cost of the rest of the world. The West implements these rules selectively to maintain their hegemony. Dissidence is not tolerated irrespective of a country's desire to pursue their own culture, values, dreams and methods. Yet, because of the prestige and awe that America had inspired, for all its faults the order functioned reasonably well from 1948 (after World War II) until 1991(when the USSR dissolved). That is when some powerful and super wealthy people called ' Globalists ' decided their time for total and complete global power could be realised. Som