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Showing posts from 2017

Right or Wrong?

When you're right, no one  remembers. When you're wrong, no one forgets.

How to destroy future generations?

These things will destroy the human race: politics without principle, progress without compassion, wealth without work, learning without silence, religion without fearlessness and worship without awareness. ~ Anthony de Mello My friend Anil Malhotra once told me, "The most effective way to destroy future generations is to take away from them the need to work. Provide for them only rental income from property or interest income on financial investments, and they will slowly and surely decay and be destroyed". He is right. Its plain to witness that  the families that have eliminated the need to work, have by the third generation been mostly ruined. "Work saves us from three great evils: Boredom, Vice and Need." ~ Voltaire Why look only at families? Countries and societies too are like families. Many countries whose leadership have adopted policies of the Welfare state  are suffering from this fate. The people and the countries are sl...

China attacks India (1962)

Understanding the Chinese invasion of India in 1962. A lesson on how to dismember a nation by, arrogance, incompetence, idiocy, dereliction and sycophancy. In late 1940s two sleeping giants began to stir awake, India and China. In 1947 India' leadership lay in the hands of a wealthy, suave, sophisticated, anglophile called Jawaharlal Nehru.  Raised in the lap of luxury,  Nehru was India's first Prime Minister. Eloquent and idealistic in thought and manner, Nehru was an arrogant and vain man. Nehru, believed power came from diplomacy, trust and friendliness. Leadership of Communist China (PRC) on the other hand was firmly in the hands of Mao Tse-tung. Rising from a humble background, Mao a cunning man become the leader after many violent struggles. Mao believed that **'All power comes from the barrel of a gun'** and was completely ruthless to attain and retain power. The two leaders with their different but overpowering personalities went about ...

Capitalism defeats all

In Russia, Capitalism defeated Communism. In America, Capitalism defeated Democracy. ~ Fran Leibowitz    Capitalism disguised as Socialism and Secularism has almost defeated India.   ~ Gurvinder Singh Throughout history a small minority of individuals usually 5%  of the population have always dominated and controlled the majority 95%. They did this by legislating special privileges for themselves, monopoly of all key resources and having a strong militia to impose their will by violence and fear of force. The key resources, including property, natural resources, precious metals, cash, and stocks are all defined as 'Capital'. Those who own or control this capital are called 'Capitalists'.  Capitalists come in all colours and types, but their only purpose of existence is to protect and enhance the value of their capital and resulting influence. Some become capitalists by earning it, some by inheriting it, many become capitalists ...

Warrior or Shopkeeper Negotiator?

The current tensions caused India-China confrontation over Dokalam has been effectively defused with both parties reverting to the original status quo. Worldwide acclaim was flowing for one of India's finest foreign affairs achievements While China was belligerent, threatening, sabre rattling and vocal, India stood her ground and remained firm with quiet dignity. Both  India and China are nuclear powers, huge militaries, with large economies and populations  glared at one another eyeball to eyeball. The Indian armed forces displayed its readiness and firmness which helped to stare down the aggressive Chinese. Effectively separated from one another by the massive Himalayan mountain range,  its one of the most difficult terrains in the world to traverse, leave alone conduct a war. When egos overshadow reason,  an uncontrollable confrontation becomes a real and frightening possibility. The Chinese are a disciplined and hardworking people and their leaders...

We know everything about you

We know what you are, what you did, and also what you will do.  Psychometrics, a data-driven sub-branch of psychology. We are all competing with one another, as individuals, groups, organisations and nations. If one can get hold of information and analyse it correctly, that can be used to deadly advantage over competitors and enemies. Those who have this capability, will possess great strategic leverage. This capability or weapon is 'Psychometrics'. Psychometrics, sometimes also called psychographics, focuses on measuring psychological traits, such as personality. In the 1980s, two teams of psychologists developed a model that sought to assess human beings based on five personality traits, known as the 'Big 5' or the acronym OCEAN These are:  Openness (how open you are to new experiences?),  Conscientiousness (how much of a perfectionist are you?),  Extroversion (how sociable are you?),  Agreeableness (how considerate and coo...