We know what you are, what you did, and also what you will do. Psychometrics, a data-driven sub-branch of psychology. We are all competing with one another, as individuals, groups, organisations and nations. If one can get hold of information and analyse it correctly, that can be used to deadly advantage over competitors and enemies. Those who have this capability, will possess great strategic leverage. This capability or weapon is 'Psychometrics'. Psychometrics, sometimes also called psychographics, focuses on measuring psychological traits, such as personality. In the 1980s, two teams of psychologists developed a model that sought to assess human beings based on five personality traits, known as the 'Big 5' or the acronym OCEAN These are: Openness (how open you are to new experiences?), Conscientiousness (how much of a perfectionist are you?), Extroversion (how sociable are you?), Agreeableness (how considerate and coo...