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Showing posts from August, 2020

Please believe me. It is not what it seems like.

We now live in a society of organisations and institutions. Local, district, state, national and at international level. Each one of them managed by 'professionals' (bureaucrats) following complicated processes which no one can completely understand or implement. They are all political creatures, and therefore possess all of the negatives of politics. We humans and even nations believe that things will just happen by themselves, but they never do. The cunning amongst us know this all too well and take full advantage. In recent times the  Chinese Communist Party  has quietly and cunningly infiltrated every multilateral international organisation of consequence, across the world numerous politicians and their parties, governments, educational institutions, social platforms, gaming,  sports organisations, and finally media and film production. They do not serve the cause or the objectives of these organisations were created for but are servants of the  CCP  and its

What is this American led, 'Global Order'?

World War II dramatically changed the then existing world order.  Based on three fundamental pillars of democracy, free trade and capitalism, America the only great power that survived the war with its economy and market intact became the de facto world leader of the non communist world. American leadership established this new world order at The Bretton Woods Conference, 1944 . This 'order' based on a number or global institutions ensured under the Marshall plan the rebuilding of the world economy.  American farsightedness and actions produced the greatest material prosperity in history. World GDP has grown 10 fold, population has increased 3 fold, Colonialism ended, and there has been a dramatic reduction in world poverty, with a corresponding improvement in health has been observed. Communism was mostly defeated. America, currently the sole superpower,  dominates the  world financially, technologically, socially, politically and militarily. By virtu

Pessimists never discovered anything but ...

Pessimist comes from the Latin word 'pessimus' meaning 'the worst'. Pessimism is always looking at the worst in every situation. Constantly expressing pessimism is one of the easiest ways to appear informed, concerned and wise. Sure there is much to be pessimistic about nowadays, but it cannot be a substitute for thought. Unfortunately that has become the fashion. One may ask, 'should we not be concerned about important matters?' It is easy to confuse concern with pessimism. Concern triggers action, pessimism inhibits not only action but also further thought.  No doubt all action is triggered by fear, need or greed. If left unchecked, pessimism becomes one's nature and develops into a self fulfilling prophecy. Pessimism reflects a surrender, an inability to do anything.  Pessimism is dangerously contagious  and if not responded to, will demoralise many more people who are touched by it. A pessimistic leader is a certain disaster

The Great Game - Why Britain partitioned India?

Rich in every aspect, India is a land that has always been coveted by every power and wealth hungry empire and despot. Empires came and went plundering what they could, but it was the wily British who institutionalised empire for exploitation. It was the 'Jewel in the crown' of the British Empire, and every effort was made to retain, expand its hold on India. The Great Game nowadays means something else today but beginning in 1830 it was the rivalry between Russia and the British for control of all lands that could impact British trade In 1830  the Muslim Ottoman Empire was visibly in terminal decline and the Russian Empire was in ascendant. The British feared the invasion of India by Russia and the loss of its lucrative trade, The British lost the 4 major wars it fought with the Sikhs and the Afghanistan and eventually Afghanistan became a buffer state between the two empires. Compelled by the Americans as per the Atlantic Charter a reluctant Britain had to g

Foreign companies want to move their manufacturing plants out of China, but ....

China's deteriorating relationship with the world has crossed the point of no return especially with America, India, Japan, UK and Australia.   The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which rules the People's Republic of China (PRC)  cannot change its model of functioning without giving up power which implies the CCP 's self destruction.  It is certain the CCP will fall, the only question is  when? Unfortunately the  CCP will take down the Chinese people, society and the Chinese economy down with it.  Every cloud has a silver lining. One country's problems are another's opportunities.  In 1992, the visionary leadership of   Deng Xiaoping the Chinese government decided to attract foreign investment to China by offering significant incentives to foreign investors, including the following: Exemption from corporate income tax. Exemption from VAT and other business taxes. Free/cheap land and rent. Exemption from social welfare payments for employees. Exemption from person