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Showing posts from April, 2022

War Propaganda - 10 Commandments

We do not want War. The opposite party alone is guilty of war. The enemy is the face of the devil. We defend a noble cause, not our own interest. The enemy systematically commits cruelties: our mishaps are involuntary. The enemy uses forbidden weapons. We suffer small losses, those of the enemy are enormous. Artists and intellectuals back our cause Our cause is sacred All those who doubt our propaganda are traitors ~ Arthur Ponsonby _____________________________________________   Does this sound familiar? Should be. Because it is the propaganda message that we are being bombarded with night and day by the Western (America, Europe etc.) led media and their governments in collusion with their partners in insanity, the current Ukrainian government and their propaganda machinery. Before the first world war UK, France and Germany were the great powers of the world. Then vested political, business interests in pursuit of expanding Liberal Imperialism clamoured for war, which Arthur Ponsonby

Regime change is coming, but not in Russia.

Biden has been perceived as the leader of the American led world order. Biden is supported by a coterie of about 20,000 Globalists who use the power, legacy, resources and the population of America, Canada, European Union, Australia and Japan to establish a world order, which they will rule, absolutely. At the helm of affairs, the globalists are supported by Main Stream Media elites such as The New York Times,The Guardian, The Financial Times etc. NGOs like George Soros and Big Tech like Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. Since the end of the 'Cold War', these globalists have been on a rampage in intervening and destroying civilisations and countries and spreading destruction and misery. The list is long and includes Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and now Georgia and Ukraine, Each intervention has enhanced the power and wealth of these globalists but greatly diminished the moral, financial, and military leadership of America, Europe and their allies. The last two major hur

How due to sanctions, Europe has lost US$ 12 billion of aircraft in Russia

  On 27th Feb 2022, the European Union imposed sanctions on Russia and asked Aircraft leasing companies to terminate their contracts with Russia. According to industry sources, Russia has 980 commercial aircraft in operation, of which 777 are leased aircraft. Of those, 515 are rented from foreign firms, with a majority coming from Ireland-based companies. These aircraft are at present valued at US$ 12 billion. Since Russia and Europe have divorced from one another and have broken most ties, it is an impossible task to get Russia which is part of the Cape Town Convention that makes it easier for lessors to repossess leased aircraft, to cooperate. To make matters worse, EU has closed its airspace to Russian airlines and Russia has responded by banning European airlines from entering its airspace. So even if by a stroke of great luck, the European aircraft lessors are able to obtain the support of the Russian State to repossess the aircraft, they would not be able to fly them out because

10 reasons why Russia had to invade Ukraine.

10 reasons why Russia had to invade Ukraine. 1. Crimea Most of Russia's ports are iced over for about 6 months in a year and hence not useful for global trade by sea. The port at Sevastopol on Crimean peninsular is one of the few ports that operate all year long and through which much of Russian imports and exports flow. Crimea is an existential requirement for Russia and its forceful occupation in 2014, Russia wants to formalise its annexation. 2. Ports on the Black Sea and Sea of Azov There are many other ports that are currently in Ukraine and on the Black Sea, such as Odessa which is essential for both Ukraine and Russia. Russia covets this coastline and to convert Ukraine into a landlocked country so that NATO will not be able to misuse the Black Sea ports to supply Ukraine with arms and ammunition. UK and Europe have been building ports for leasing out their navies, ostensibly to protect Ukrainian and European interest but is actually designed to threaten and one day take