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Showing posts from June, 2022

All things fact and fictional - The Globalists Hymn Book

  " All things fact and fictional the mighty media made them all. They give us 'facts' to see them and lips so that we might tell, How great is Media all mighty that manufactures all 'facts' well ." Perception is erroneously considered as fact and perception is a creation of the mind. Influence thoughts and one can influence minds and the history of the world. Embellish the past, and chart the course of the future. Globalists are like an army of spiders manning and controlling a gigantic web consisting of politicians, bureaucrats, main stream media owners and managers, social media platforms, technology companies, international bankers, Military-Industrial complex, Pharma companies and educational universities, etc. all acting in concert. They have almost taken over. Take for example in America all major media organisations are controlled by just 6 corporations . All of them Globalists. And these major corporations and three more international players have h

How and why Russia entered Ukraine?

In 1999, almost a decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union a weakened Russia's Putin boldly proposed Russia's support to an American led world order as a slightly junior partner and sought a political, military and economic union with NATO and EU. His goal as a true statesman was to dispel suspicion and ensure peace, harmony and prosperity for Europe. Unfortunately Russia was promptly rebuffed by an aghast America.  Putin saw but refused to accept the reality that Europe had no equitable place for Russia amongst the Europeans. He did see however that the West wanted to continue to view Russia as a weak and unstable vassal only to be exploited. They were succeeding in Ukraine but a proud Russia refused to submit.  In a formerly unipolar world an American led West dominated the world. Unfortunately a very powerful West has failed in its moral, legal, political etc. leadership. An arrogant and increasingly decadent West abused excessively both its hard and soft power over

European Spring - Regime change coming in Europe.

  Beginning in Dec 2010, anti-government protests rocked Tunisia. By early 2011 they had spread into what became known as the Arab Spring a wave of protests, uprisings, and unrest that spread across Arabic-speaking countries in North Africa and the Middle East. Pro-democratic protests, which spread rapidly due to social media, ended up toppling the governments of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen. On the surface the protests were triggered by food shortages. Widely perceived as grass-root movements by unhappy populations against their nationalistic governments to usher in democracy and better their lives. In reality they were regime changes engineered from the outside to bring in pliable leadership submissive to the globalists in the American led West. This was nothing new in our world and has been an ongoing project since decades.  Now a decade later, as always one can witness from these engineered regime changes that the globalists have been getting richer and fatter while the situat

World War@Ukraine - Plan ‘C’ - Supply Heavy Weaponry

  Plan 'C' - Supply Heavy Weaponry Since Plan ' A ' and Plan ' B ' have blown up in their faces, the West has moved on to Plan ' C '. Plan 'C' is primarily the supply of heavy weaponry, such as tanks, fighter aircraft, etc. providing lots of artillery guns, and supplying truck mounted missile systems, to attack targets at greater distance than 'MANPADS' (man-portable air-defense systems) can. And there are the and Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS). The West too even dipping into NATO member countries own operational inventories. All equipment earmarked for Ukraine from the West are mostly supplied through Poland. There is no accountability of where and how these weapons are being used as they are dumped into the black hole of Ukrainian unaccountability. It is widely held that more than half of all supplies are being punted of to illegal international arms dealers at huge discounts and hence there are a whole group of people making