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Showing posts from February, 2020

How to make people believe a lie

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success." ~  Adolf Hitler Hitler managed to use democracy to gain absolute control of Germany and its people. in the name of 'German Workers Socialist party.' abbreviated to 'NAZI' in German. Starting with a Nazi party membership of just just 6% of the population,  Hitler was able to brainwash and convert majority of Germany to his ideology and cause. Learning from Colonialists and Hitler, the great masters of brainwashing are, the ideologically driven Socialists and Communists . They manipulate fanatical religious groups, and get financed by power seeking legitimate and illegitimate business groups. They infiltrate and take c

Why are Muslims lagging behind?

Every society has some form of social stratification. In India this was originally done on the basis of one's knowledge, skills and merit, called ' Varna ' Over the centuries it kept on degrading until it came to be based on birth rather than merit. Thus powerful non meritorious groups cornered most of the rights and wealth and oppressed the weaker. This lead to the easy conquest of India by foreign invaders initially Muslim and later European. The promise of Islam to the downtrodden was, that they would be released from their social bondage and be equal amongst all others. This hope was dashed for the people who converted from Hinduism to Islam still remain unfulfilled, and in fact have gotten worse. Little known to most people is that Muslims of the Indian sub continent are still subject to exploitation, not by others, but by their fellow Muslims. Since there is no acknowledgement of the caste system and distinct and fairly rigid social stratification in Musl

I am disappointed by our conversation.

My family and I built up a rather large and highly reputed automotive components manufacturing business. In the early years our dependence on the domestic market and a few key customers made us vulnerable to cyclic demand which had bad consequences for our organisation. So we began to explore export markets. One day in 1984, thanks to the Chamber of Commerce, we hosted a small delegation of prospective American buyers. At dinner that evening, me a very young man, tried rather too hard to impress a very senior, highly experienced delegate, Ms. Helen about our capabilities as an organisation and me as an individual. We chatted for quite a while about a wide range of matters, and I sprinkled our conversation with American business jargon.  After about an hour, Helen who was a senior executive in her organisation, asked me. "Apparently you are well informed GS, from where are you getting all this information and these perspectives?" With my chest puffed up , I rep