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How to make people believe a lie

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success."

Hitler managed to use democracy to gain absolute control of Germany and its people. in the name of 'German Workers Socialist party.' abbreviated to 'NAZI' in German. Starting with a Nazi party membership of just just 6% of the population,  Hitler was able to brainwash and convert majority of Germany to his ideology and cause.

Learning from Colonialists and Hitler, the great masters of brainwashing are, the ideologically driven Socialists and Communists. They manipulate fanatical religious groups, and get financed by power seeking legitimate and illegitimate business groups.

They infiltrate and take control of education bodies, historical records, media organisations and strategic government bodies, as they have done in India. 

We foolishly believe that, if some information is provided in the papers or on television or uttered by a celebrity, government official or department it must be true. Much of the information provided is deliberately misleading and designed to demoralise and manipulate the population.

This only serves to increase the power, wealth and influence of a few elites, who pretend to be the well-wishers, protectors and benefactors of the masses. As a result the masses everywhere are always misinformed and manipulated. 

Not to be left behind, corporations, and business houses, advertisers and media houses also make a fortune by lying and misleading the public. So much money, power and influence is at stake that ownership of print and media organisations are often held by entities which conceal the real owners who have hidden and sinister agendas.

Fortunately nowadays internet and social media increasing offer other communication channels which provide alternate narratives and democratising discourse, by converting monologues into dialogue. 


Some of the important lessons, I submit are, 

  • The lessons are that democracy has many flaws and these are easily exploited.
  • That Socialism which gives absolute power to a small group of elites is always fatal. 
  • To be careful in believing political and religious leaders and media persons too readily.

The quotes are from 'War Propaganda", chapter 6, volume 1' of [Mein Kampf (1925), by Adolf Hitler


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