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Showing posts from May, 2020

China a country on steroids

Few people realise that the successful rebuilding of countries like Germany, Japan, after World War II, and the subsequent spectacular growth of ASEAN countries and now China  have all come about mainly due to American support and patronage. All these economies have achieved their growth and prosperity by exporting primarily to the American market made available to them by America, on favourable terms. In addition they have had access to the best technology, human resources etc. enabling them to develop on their own. Most importantly they were all financed primarily by American money and global financial capital. Thanks to America, China, over past 3 decades has received over US$ 55 trillion of funds. These include  US$ 40 trillion of mainly external debt. Capital invested in China via American and global capital markets is US$ 14 Trillion  Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in excess of US$ 1 trillion.  China is a country on steroids , massive amounts of 

China at war with the world.

Part 3 -  CCPVirus,  China's weaponising of Coronavirus Success occurs when preparation meets opportunity. Even a calamity can be exploited. So when CCP leadership discovered that they had a crisis that could harm China very severely, it appears to chose to weaponise COVID-19 Coronavirus and infect the world with it and even profit from it.  To operationalise this strategy, China needed to hide the truth from the world and lull it into complacency.  China adopted a three pronged strategy  1. Conceal and destroy all evidence, do not permit anyone to inspect or question anything about COVID-19.  2. Unleash a public relations blitzkrieg to shift blame to anyone and everyone but the CPC and Chinese labs and mislead the world.  3. To conceal the truth and mislead the world, China hid behind what is clearly a compromised  WHO  (World Health Organisation) leadership. China's CCP tried to cover their tracks. All whistleblowers and persons with intimate kn

America, is powerful but feels insecure.

We always think of a race, nation, religion, tribe or society all populated by people who think and act uniformly. We call this stereotyping.  This occurs because, we have become intellectually and emotionally lazy. We experience a couple of wave and we quickly conclude that, we know the ocean.  America is the most powerful nation on earth today. However the average American like the average citizen in any other democracy has little influence on what, their business, political, economic, social leaders and bureaucrats do or how they act. All of us we human animals have more or less the same desires. To survive, find security, thrive, reproduce, and ensure survival of our offspring, etc. The path we choose to attain these material goals differ before of culture, language, history, geography, resources etc. Just as a complete herd of buffalos may be led by one dominant male. Human societies are led by a group of individuals and families. Once they attain a parti

Philosophy is better than Ideology

' Ideology ' and ' Philosophy ' are terms which are often used interchangeably even though there exists a big difference between the two. Ideology is a system of ideas and ideals propounded by few and infused into the masses.  Philosophy is an insight into elements of truth, realised by one's own experience and study.  While ideology is for the masses, philosophy is for the individual. Ideology is borrowed from the outside. On the other hand philosophy while stimulated from the outside of our being it is realised from within. Ideology's main function is to provide cohesion and direction to a group, in pursuit of, religious, political, social, cultural and economic objectives, as defined by the ideology's founders and leaders.  Once infected with an ideology, he or she becomes a member of a mob, an assembly of irrational individuals. An ideology can be placid or even rabid, but its adherents and followers are usually so blinded by thei

China uses Coronavirus to set the world on fire.

Part 2 -  CCPVirus,  China's weaponising of Coronavirus In the short term it matters little whether the COVID-19 virus is man made or natural. What matters is, 'what are we doing to cope with the pandemic?' China's CCP is charged with perpetuating a crime against humanity. Never before in history, has any nation simultaneously been at war with every other nation in the world. Is it an accident or mala fide intent, or is it an accident that has been weaponised?  Leaders never waste a crisis, politicians, militaries and businessmen will seek to exploit the situation, even a calamity.  Everybody is spinning the facts as it suits their individual strategy.   With a US$ 10 billion propaganda budget  China's CCP is spinning the story of a Coronavirus victim. Everyone and everything is to blame except the CCP.  It is easy to be fooled by propaganda and rhetoric.  Look at what people say and then look at what they do.  On 26 Jan 2020 CPC under Xi Jinping

Terrify to Overpower

Understanding China - Historical Background

China weaponises Coronavirus - Part 1 A study of the history of China reveals that, China was one of the world's oldest civilisations (about 5,000 years old) and one of the Cradles of Civilisation . By the end of Qianlong Emperor 's long reign in 1796, the Qing Empire was at its zenith. The Qing ruled more than one-third of the world's population, and had the largest economy in the world. By area it was one of the largest empires ever. Calling itself  'Zhongguo' (Middle Kingdom) since 1000 B.C.E., The Chinese believed they were the centre of the world and the only power of consequence. The Chinese empire's incredible cultural richness, fertile lands, scientific knowledge, production, manufacturing, trading and overall abilities made them wealthy beyond belief.  China supplied the whole world with high quality goods that commanded a premium.  The fantastic trade surplus that China maintained with all countries of Middle East, Japan and Euro